That new-Ubuntu smell
Installing Linux has gotten pretty easy.
Depending on the flavor needed and the destination two utilities come in handy to make the needed USB boot sticks:
- RaspberryPi Imager for RaspberryPi destinations
- balena etcher for everything else.
I’m using Ubuntu 22:
To do this install I put the imaged USB drive into the target machine and held down the DEL key. F7 would have worked, but DEL goes to the boot settings and I can set the machine to always prefer the key if it’s plugged in. Since this machine will likely get re-imaged fairly often, that’s what I want.
Here’s some common commands used during a setup.
Why not Docker? I’ll use Docker fine for DigitalOcean droplets or GitHub Actions or whatever. I installed something that uses it (swiftly). I don’t need it for what I’m doing in general though. I have a bash script for when I’m not rethinking the set up. Writing things down took longer than doing it.
Hardware Fixes
My new little box couldn’t see its wifi card. Fix worked. Required ethernet.
### resolving wifi issues
3 cat /etc/motd
4 cat /etc/issue
8 sudo dmesg | grep wifi
9 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cappelikan/ppa
10 sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
41 lshw
139 ip
140 ip link show
141 ip address show
On a properly configured machine run cat ~/.gitconfig
to see what’s there. If it’s exactly right and it’s easy, copy it over. Otherwise here are the basics.
247 git config --global init.defaultBranch main
248 git config --global "$(YOUR_NAME)"
249 git config --global $(YOUR_EMAIL)
250 git config --global alias.start-repo '!git init . && git add . && git commit --allow-empty -m "Initialize repository"'
On Linux the global .gitignore with .DS_Store in it is less of a big deal to do.
The default editor can be changed in two ways, for git only of for the system:
## for the system
update-alternatives --display editor # on Ubuntu will likely be nano
sudo update-alternatives --config editor #dialog with currently installed editors
## just for git
git config --global core.editor $(YOUR_FAV_EDITOR_AND_ITS_WAIT_FLAG)
When updating the editor for git, if your editor has a wait flag, use it
Also, depending on what I’ll be doing on the image, the git extension for large file storage can also be handy.
269 sudo apt-get install git-lfs
270 git lfs install
### installing VSCode
23 cd Downloads/ # got it from the page auto download.
24 sudo apt install ./code_1.86.2-1707854558_amd64.deb
Like with git can check a known good machine get what extensions to install if not already using Settings Sync or a Profile.
## old machine
code --list-extensions > vscode-extensions.list
## new machine
cat vscode-extensions.list | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension
Last time I used the tarball. This time I’m using swiftly as an experiment. (swiftbox and swiftenv also great choices.) Swiftly actually uses the official docker images to do its thing.
The actual install for swiftly: very smooth. 5 out of 5 stars using it to get to the nightly build up and running. Most of these commands were exploring if I could help the repl find lldb without the known needed extra install and fix. I could not. Moved on.
### installing swift / swiftly
12 sudo apt install curl
13 curl -L | bash
14 . $HOME/.local/share/swiftly/
15 swiftly install latest
16 which which clang make git swift lldb
29 ls ../.local/bin/clang
30 ls -la ../.local/bin/
40 ldd `which swift`
60 echo $PATH
63 cat ~/.bashrc
64 hash -r
65 swift repl
66 swiftly use latest
77 code ~/.bashrc
78 which python3
79 ls /usr/lib/llvm-14 #nope, not there yet
82 ls -la /usr/lib
84 ls -alrth
127 lldb --help
128 lldb --python-path ##<--- AND HERE IS THE SAME ERROR as REPL
146 swift package init --type tool
147 swift run #works
### spm also worked fine for
165 swiftly install main-snapshot
165 swiftly use main-snapshot
168 swiftly install 5.10-snapshot
170 swiftly use 5.10-snapshot
I primarily use apt-get, but I recently learned homebrew was a thing on Linux, so why not?
### installing homebrew
216 sudo apt-get install propcps
218 sudo apt-get install build-essential # <== important would do anyway
219 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
220 (echo; echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /home/$(YOUR_USER)/.bashrc
221 eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Makes its own user. Fascinating.
Some of the other faves
278 sudo apt-get install ffmpeg imagemagick libpng-dev cmake hugo
Not Yet
All of these will be done but on demand. pyenv I’ve used via homebrew on macOS. Not sure if I’ll do it that way on Ubuntu.
- pyenv (python env manager)
- nvm (node env manager)
- OpenUSD (Big. Specific python needs.)