(how did my hugo public folder get to be a mess?)

I’m thinking changing folder names while hugo serve -D is running isn’t such a good idea? I somehow ended up with a public folder that was a mess. With multiple folders that clearly were iterations of names I was work-shopping. If I had thought that through, oh course it would do that.

And since I never looked, my rsync script was uploading huge amounts that it would never delete.

I did two things to fix it

1 - Cleaned the public folder

hugo --cleanDestinationDir

2 - Updated my upload script

The original line excluded .DS_Store but nothing else. Never deleted because what if I wanted to put non-hugo items up there?.

rsync -zaP --exclude='.DS_Store' $SOURCE $DESTINATION

The new one, shown in context below, deletes everything that isn’t in the local public folder, but has an exceptions file. If the destination is space restrained, the slower exclude-before might be a better fit.


#echo "#rsync -zaP $SOURCE $DESTINATION"
# z: compress
# a: archive mode (preserve permissions)
# P: show progress, keep partial (I watch every time)
rsync -zaP --delete --exclude='.DS_Store' --exclude-from='exclude-rsync.txt' $SOURCE $DESTINATION

example exceptions file:

the difference between dir/* and dir, is that the first refers to the contents and the later the directory itself as well.


Might have things like


Note: some things you might manually add can be done via hugo instead of this file

Running the script

I run this script by hand from variables in a .env file, but NOT THE SERVER PASSWORD. If remembering the password every time isn’t an option, use a ssh key.