Hello USD - Part 10: Reading Day
What I thought was going to happen yesterday:
- Make a FileBuilder protocol in SketchPad
- Refine StringBuilder to help make producing FileBuilders easier
- Write up a compare contrast between X3D and USD
What actually happened:
- A reading day.
- Updated USDHelloWorld/README.md to have the “top picks” section
- Updated USDHelloWorld/SETUP.md to offer the easy pip install of python lib
If I’m going to write a DSL that echos the philosophy of USD, I need to better understand the philosophy of USD. So I started looking for resources that provided overviews.
- Finding tutorials on specific software tools that implement USD: very easy.
- Finding lectures / materials on the motivation and architecture: much harder.
I did end up finding a bunch of new references using search terms like “USD philosophy”, etc. Also helpful, the ASWF wiki references the “Book of USD” which ended up being one of my top picks. I wanted “USD solves these problems” kind of videos/articles, not “Use our tool to make a thing” info.
Top Picks
Brief Overview - 4 min Video
- Luk, Aaron. “Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD): 4 Superpowers to Get You Started,” Video (4:11). YouTube NVIDIA Developer Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RnTSZK9SwM. Accessed: 2023 07 13.
Brief overview of what makes USD special by one of the folks who was there at the beginning.
In Depth Hello World - 29 min Video
- Van Gelder, Dirk, “Introduction to USD,” Video (26:36). NVidia-On-Demand, GTC Digital (April 2021): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcspring21-s33132/?playlistId=playList-911c5614-4b7f-4668-b9eb-37f627ac8d17. Accessed: 2023 07 13.
Does include 101 how to information, but also explains why USD does things that way.
Longer Overview - 39 min Video
- Luk, Aaron. “An Overview of Universal Scene Description (USD) for Building Virtual Worlds,” Video (39:36 minutes). NVidia-On-Demand, GTC Digital Spring (March 2023). https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcspring23-s52054/ Accessed: 2023 07 13.
Has many “where to find more info” resources at the end.
Two Companions
Various Authors. Book of USD: Getting Started With Universal Scene Description. https://remedy-entertainment.github.io/USDBook/ Accessed: 2023 07 13, https://github.com/Remedy-Entertainment/USDBook/ Accessed: 2023 07 14.
Various Authors. “USD Terms and Concepts.” Universal Scene Description. https://openusd.org/release/glossary.html Accessed: 2023 07 13, https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenUSD/tree/release/docs Accessed: 2023 07 13.
The Glossary on the official documentation site holds a ton of in depth information, but it’s in alphabetical order, so it’s hard to read in a way that presents a cohesive narrative.
The Book of USD resource provides simpler definitions in a useful order as an entry point to learn more. Very helpful. Also loved the ton of screen shots from usdview
. Bummed that like many resources it didn’t have much in terms of USDA file outputs, but that’s a me problem.
The authors of the Book of USD recommend that one cross references what they’ve written with the official docs, so I am listing them as companions.
Biggest OMG
https://developer.nvidia.com/isaac-sim No spoilers.
Spec related list
- Proposed Spec for USDA files discussion: https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenUSD/pull/2126
- Proposed Spec for USDC files discussion: https://github.com/PixarAnimationStudios/OpenUSD/pull/2086
- Asset Structure Guidelines: https://github.com/usd-wg/assets/blob/main/docs/asset-structure-guidelines.md
Where to Find More
Learning content hubs
- https://openusd.org/
- https://developer.nvidia.com/usd
- https://wiki.aswf.io/display/WGUSD/Learning+Content
- https://developer.apple.com/search/?q=USD
Some of My Takeaways
Some language clarifications from a programmer with no VFX experience. Keep in mind I AM NEW, my understanding may be off.
A “Prim”, short for Primitive, refers to a node in the Stage
data structure, which appears to be a tree. Nodes can conform to many types (Schemas). Any node of any type (Schema) is called a Prim, it appears. Prim is an instance of a Schema.
UPDATE: The above is not strictly correct. Node type may actually be SdfLayer
not UsdPrim
under the hood? Both Stage and SdfLayer conform to / inherit from public TfRefBase, public TfWeakBase which I have not followed up on but the comments on the linked to files were very helpful. I’m still feeling out the relationships here.
A “Layer” is not a visual layer like in 2D graphics program for indicating visual information in front of something else. A “Layer” in USD serves as a modifier, much like ViewModifier
where the Prim gets passed through successive modifiers (layers). This is what its talking about when you see the key word over
instead of def
or class
in a prim declaration , that outer Prims features eat the ones inside it, when in conflict. The original prims don’t have their information changed, but the renderers/processors will discard their opinions.
Prims can be referred to as being “composed of their Layer Stack”, ie they are what they ate.
Values aren’t referred to as being “set” as much as a given prim is expressing it’s opinion in the layer stack. It’s opinion may not win. Opinion conflict resolution is what the whole “Non-destructive Composition Engine” thing is about, mediating how to consolidate all the different layers opinions about what should be on the Stage.
For example if a particular opinion NEEDS to win it might be marked as a Specialization. Think css “!important” perhaps? In which case its the composition engine that discovers that and hands of the proper opinion to the renderer.
The acronym LIVRPS (Liver Peas)
covers the negotiate order of precedence.
- Local
- Inherits
- Variants
- References
- Payloads
- Specializes
The word schema came into English via Kant from the greek skhēma “figure, appearance, the nature of a thing” etymonline. Websters now has an definition of it:
a mental codification of experience that includes a particular organized way of perceiving cognitively and responding to a complex situation or set of stimuli
This seems apt here.
Schemas in USD answer the questions “What is this thing… conceptually?” and “How do I interact with this thing?” Pixar split its concept of Schemas into two kinds:
- IsA: which is a Class inheritance type relationship, i.e. a Type. “imparts a typeName”
- API A collection of behaviors that can act on a thing. Doesn’t impart a name but
returns true
Feels a little bit to me at the moment like a combination Classes/Structs, Protocols, and extensions
all rolled into one when one gets down to the implementation part.
So a UsdGeoPrim isA Xform (A Schema), but it can have a Material description applied to it via the API MaterialBindingAPI (Also referred to as a Schema)
Warning: USD does use the keyword class
, but it is used to create an instance of an Abstract Schema (one without visual content itself but may hold visual content).
If you see the flag instantiable
It means something like to “the render doesn’t have to build me from scratch if its already built my Type before”.
Properties vs Metadata vs Attributes
Properties can be changed over time (think animations, think run time). Metadata cannot be changed (can be over-layed, think compile time).
A subset of properties, Attributes appear to be properties that are predefined by the spec, where a property in general could be a user defined key value pair.
Inside a USDA file
From what I can tell if it’s defined inside () it’s metadata, if it’s inside the {} it’s part a property. Properties can have associated metadata because properties are key:value pairs where the key is a String, but the value is what ever Schema you want.
#usda 1.0
//This is metadata
defaultPrim = "my_shape"
def Xform "Rainbow" //<- prim Conforming to the IsA schema "Xform"
def Cube "cube" //<- prim Conforming to the IsA schema "Cube"
//These are properties
float3[] extent = [(-2, -2, -2), (2, 2, 2)]
//This property has meta data and a name space (primvars:)
color3f[] primvars:displayColor = [(0, 0, 1), (1,0,1), (1,0,0), (0, 1, 0),(0, 0, 1), (1,0,1), (1,0,0), (0, 1, 0)](
interpolation = "vertex"
Examples from the Spec
A kind
is a type of metadata that tags prims with their roll for use during stage traversal. (assemblage
, group
). These a kind
can be user defined.
A purpose
on the other hand is an attribute for the renderer to know if its there to be drawn or not. These are not user definable. (default
, guide
, proxy
, render
What this means for the DSL
Trouble. Pretty straight forward I think to create something that can punt out simpler p5js/Processing style generative art to a flat USD file. But will I really be able to create a multi-file/multilayer USD with references that preserves the composition philosophy? (Inhales sharply) TDB. ARKit doesn’t event want that, but being true to the spirit of USD seems like a good goal.
It would really help to have the Pixar Library as a Package, but even I think using that as a “My First Swift C++ Wrapper” project would be bad news. More tenable might be “My First Swift Python Wrapper”? Is that a thing?